Putin took out bio labs on his first strikes on Ukraine. The reason I read was labs were working on Russian DNA attack viruses. Makes sense.

I agree that this needs to just stop. It’s for the world’s best interest. Keep writing.

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"One of Romanoff’s contentions is that the CDC masquerades as a civilian health agency, but in fact is part of the US defense establishment, from which it takes its orders".

The American Red Cross Board of Directors is traditionally chaired by a US Army General Officer.

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The Red Cross was a rebranded Order of the Knights Templar.

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Don't underestimate your skills or importance in the unraveling of this war. The science is immaterial (except for it's all lethal) unless the command structures are dismantled. The hidden connections are what keeps most people in the dark. Reader's Digest formats are vastly underrated, too. Keep going.

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The 'science' is absolutely material! We must understand the nature of disease https://jowaller.substack.com/p/seeing-is-believing

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Perhaps I should have styled it as $¢°€π¢€, since that's all we've had available for several hundred years. Anyone doing "genuine" science gets assassinated if they try to market it.

I'll read your piece in a bit, running out now. But I don't trust anything utilizing junk "accredited" science as a basis either. Always interested in something novel, though.

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Please continue the good work to expose the demonic morass of D.C.

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I think this is of phenomenal importance. The CIA did a piece in one of its media vassals confirming that it was doing a lot of stuff in Ukraine, and Vicky Nudelman also admitted these labs were in Ukraine (getting ahead of the story): in other words, this isn't some propaganda or false flag. So, I think the ordinary Joes and Josephines of the world need to know about this, not only as part of a covert weapons program against Russia, but also against humanity itself.

So please continue! Speak to the Russians, get their input, and get this out into the western world so that people can see the evil behind the curtain.

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Charles, thanks so much for taking the time to share your thoughts on this massive topic. I think you could definitely continue to help with your unique background, skills and insights. You asked if we would like more writing from you on refugee movements to Russia and with observations about life in Russia as an American. That would be great. We in America are in need of as much leadership as possible to understand our options and calling as the situation disintegrates here. Thanks again. Best wishes and blessed Lent.

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Thank you for all the detailed information! What you spell out I always suspected!

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If you are going to proclaim to be an honest truth seeker, then please do what too many bloggers and pundits in Russia and the west refuse to do…. Please interview Denis Shulga, Dr Alexander Redko, Dr Denis Ivanov, and the folks at Katyusha and others that should surface in your discussions with the above. Alexander Gintsburg is a mass murderer like his cousin Bourla of Pfizer. Sputnik is based on the same God Damn lies of the west. I could fill up your substack with more than I have time to type. Start with the people above and be a champion for the children of Russia before they get poisoned by Gintsburg’s and Bourla’s new and improved poison this year. Hurry! Time is short. More have died and will die at the hands of Gintsburg and his cohorts in crimes against humanity than died in Moscow via the four thugs everyone is outraged about (and rightly so), but where is the outrage for the death and coverup around Gintsburg and his poison which is directly connected to the Empire of Lies in this so called “holy war”? Either Putin is deceived or he is a devil like all the rest in the west. But we will never know until a Champion for the people arise like Esther to call him out to find out. Meanwhile the children of Russia await their death jabs courtesy of the Christ Hating Gintsburg and his cohorts. And by the way, Russia will never be considered “Holy Rus” again until the Devil in Red Square is denounced and cast out with the repentance of the Russian people, per St Lawrence of Chernigov and other Russian Saints. As long as Gintsburg is free and rewarded for his crimes be assured that Russia is nowhere near being on the holy side of this cosmic war many still don’t grasp. Contrary to what many a pundit think, BRICS is not the “holy” opposition to the Empire of Lies, but rather the new and improved Phoenix or NWO to replace the old. Per the Protocols, the west (Edom) is being destroyed to bring in the King of Jerusalem and his “multipolar Empire.” Will you be the Champion the world needs to cal Russia to true repentance or will you just add your name to the list of blogging propagandists against the evil west?

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I know Redko, Ivanov, Redko, and the Katyusha guys. Heroes.

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Good to know. I hope you will go beyond just interviewing them. I hope you will join them and give them an English voice to the western world. And I hope you can bridge the gap between the “western biolabs and Covid lies” to the lies and treason of those like Gintsburg. The Russian Defense Ministry used Karen Kingston’s information to “out the west,” but fails to expose the traitors within doing the same to the Russian people. Karen Kingston and Maria Zeee are two good sources of information on the west, but like many they are clueless about the lies within Russia and like the vast majority are buying into the deception that “Putin and Russia are fighting on the holy side of the war against the evil west.” They fail to grasp the bigger picture and are not aware of the globalist connections still at large in Russia via Gintsburg and Gref.

The west needs someone of your caliber to step up and be the Champion for Russia’s children and the rest of the world. Russia is the only hope to have any success of truly stopping this Satanic globalist agenda but as long as Gintsburg continues then the globalist agenda continues and Russia will suffer with the rest of us.

The Bank of Russia sponsored Cyber Polygon with the WEF before the SMO began. Are you aware of that? Did you watch it? I did. They were very giddy about their digital ruble along with all the other digital currencies coming to the world. Too many whitewash this as well.

The west (and Russia) don’t need Russia to win in Ukraine and defeat NATO. Per a recent Saint, this year will be the “year of glory” and Ukraine will be finished but that does not solve the world’s problems. We all need Russia to fully awaken and lead the world in Orthodox repentance in order to “make Russia Holy again.”

Gintsburg is the key to unraveling the globalists in Russia. If the voices unite in solidarity to expose him and the whole ring behind him, then Russia and the world have a chance for survival. I’ve attempted to make Kingston and Zeee and others aware, but I’m a nobody from nowhere screaming for God to send us a Champion.

Someone in Russia needs to convey to the English speaking world of these things so that all the western pundits who believe Putin is their “white hat” can be brought to the realization that until they join forces to call out Putin as I stated earlier, then Russia goes down with the rest of us.

If Putin “makes peace in Ukraine” and stops there, then he is duped.

Like I said, we don’t need more talking heads trying to make money on substacks (I understand the need for money by the way) , but we need Champions to raise the Orthodox Standard of truth even if it means calling out the hypocrisy of our leaders, including the Russian ones.

Christ tells us in the Revelation to St John, that we overcome the AC by the blood of the Lamb and only those who stand firm to the end not loving their lives unto death will receive the Crown of Eternal Life. Not those who burnt candles in Russian churches while the Christ Haters poisoned their children as they pointed out the evils of the west.

May the Lord bless your efforts Charles. I hope you are our Champion today.

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A big misperception about Russia is that it is homogenous and that everyone is on board with the opposition to the globalist agenda. In fact globalists are very entrenched across the Russian elites, and these are opposed by some of the Russian elites, plus anti-globalist activists in civil society. The rest of the population is somewhere between them but in general this broad group is much less poisoned by globalist ideology than in the West. The church here also has a liberal and conservative wing, both among the priests and the faithful.

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What are your thought's on Kirill?

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Absolutely curious by your comments! I am also Russian Orthodox, new and stuck in the sinking ship of Amerika.... are you still here, or in Russia? I have been falling for the "Putin is the white hat", I guess. There are Saint's, including the young Russian boy in the 80's (youtube his story " The Russian Angel"), who have stated that Russia will fall into the early stages of the NWO profram, but that God will give them a new Holy Tsar, who will eradicate all of the bad guy's in Russian government, and then make Russia so holy and powerful even the AC will not be able to defeat him! The new Tsar will save the people who are left, and the land itself, during the End Day's. It seems to me that Russia is the only safe place to be, starting now, before it is too late! Yet I am stuck by a multitude of obligation's, and VA pension and free medical care.... Wondering about dual citizenship!! Where can I read more about the folks you mention at the top of your comment? Please reply, would like to make your acquaintence! TY

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More please, viewpoints from Moscow would be appreciated.

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Mr. Bausman this is an incredibly well presented and written article. My only complaint and it's a minor one, is its length. I saw in your bio you mentioned doing articles on westerners moving to Russia to escape the collapse of the west. I would seriously encourage to write on your experiences thus far ! If I could convince my wife to move from western Canada, BC to be specific, I would. My basic research thus far shows compared to Canada costs of living appear to be 1/3rd of that in Canada. We are being raped, and Trudeau on April 1st, invoked a 23% increase on carbon tax...insane, we know. Keep up the great work sir. ps. your article was featured on awesome news aggregator site Signs of the Times, at sott.net.

All the best

Your article, https://www.sott.net/article/490419-Massive-US-biowar-funding-created-biowar-vax-industrial-complex-threatens-to-swallow-the-West

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Thanks for the link, the editors of SOTT appended a large number of links at the end which will help with further research. Very helpful!

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Keep up the great work !

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I've read SOTT for years, they are great.

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Great article! The Russian Revolution of 1917 was jewish. Something like 75% of the early Bolshevik government consisted of jews. Communism, Marxism, and Liberalism are all jewish ideologies. Martin Luther, founder of the Protestant movement, wrote a book called On The Jews And Their Lies. Henry Ford, at one time the richest man in the world, wrote a book called The International Jew. Everyone should watch the documentary Europa: The Last Battle on Archive. It'll rock your world!

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"The Aim of Freemasonry is the Triumph of Communism."

Illuminati insider Christian Rakovsky (Chaim Rakover), author of Red Symphony, lifelong collaborator of Leon Trotsky (Lev Davidovich Bronstein), socialist 'revolutionary', Bolshevik politician and Soviet diplomat and statesman

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After some more thought about your substack, you know what is missing in this arena (along with Gintsburg and his circle heads on a platter), is a Who’s Who in Russia for the English speaking audience.

You just may be the man for the job. This would be very helpful and unique in the Substack arena today.

Who are the oligarchs of Russia? What do they control? Who are their allies? Who are their opponents or competitors?

Who are the political parties and their leaders? What do they stand for? Who allies with who and opposes who?

WHO are the globalists in Russia? Who are those attempting to expose and oppose the globalists in Russia?

Who is Shulga and his circle? Redko? Ivanov? Etc?

Who is Katyusha and all involved?

Who is Tsargard and all involved?

What other groups do westerners not know of and need to know about?

Who and where are the Orthodox expats in Russia? Only a handful or many? Do they wish to be known and desire more join them where they are?

Who are the makers and shakers among the Orthodox clergy in Russia? Who are the ecumenists? Who are the ones who follow the Saints?

Who are the living Saints or Holy Elders in Russia today (if any)? What are they saying for Russia and the world today? Do any call out the Covid lies like St Paisios and Elder Savvas did and those Fr Kosmas wrote of on his OrthodoxTalks.com website? What guidance are they giving today?

Who were the Saints who spoke to this day such as St Lawrence of Chernigov and others who spoke like him? Etc?

I would suggest you not consolidate people on your substacks. Keep them separate for easy search and share for your readers.

Something to consider. I think such is badly needed as I don’t know of any other doing this. Food for thought.

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Spanish Flu was a bio weapon for WWI that backfired as USA troops brought it home with them.

All bioweapons can be easily destroyed by nuclear weapons.

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Viruses are fake. It is a means to get people to agree to inject themselves with poisons called vaccines.

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'Bioweapons' and 'diseases' (ie symptoms of the body healing itself from internal or external stresses) were invented alright. But only in the mind or as sequences in computers. There are not real. That doesn't stop them being very dangerous nor justifying the vaccine and pharma industry. https://jowaller.substack.com/p/x-ray-crystallography-and-3d-computer?utm_source=publication-search

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I have been telling people about the fleeing of westerner's to Russia, and they all reply the same way, with disbelief, and almost horror, because they still believe Russia runs a communist-like government, the elections are rigged, and Putin is bad. I tell them all these Westerner's record themselves being happier than ever, feeling freeer and safer. They still suggest the lack of crime is due to fear of the communist rule. Can you write on these topics? Please cover the whole good/bad Putin subject, the real deal of how the government works, and how it IS actually becoming what America once was, while America is becoming what Russia was. Also, please share as much as you can about how older people can migrate there and stay - we who can't really "work", per say. Are pet's allowed to come along? Elderly? And how do you move asset's, both digital and physical? All very important stuff... we are running out of time!! Thank you!!

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If everyone senseble runs away from the problems, they win. The problem will grow and follow you to the ends of the earth.

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